Cookie Policy

Axentis Michael Charitable Trust uses cookies to improve the user experience and to provide us with information about how our website is used so that we can make sure it is up to date, relevant and error free.

The following types of cookies are used on this website:

Session Cookies: These basic cookies are used to carry out the essential functions on websites, such as identifying you as a user, remembering you from page to page within the website, and maintaining log in details for the session or a transaction. These expire as soon as you close your browser, or after a short period of typically 20 minutes of inactivity.

Persistent Cookies: These are the small text files that are created in the cookies folder of your web browser by the website. They can contain information to record specific browsing information such as how you reached the website, the pages you view, options you select, and the path you have taken through the site. These typically remain in your cookies folder.

List of cookies used by this website:

Persistent Cookie: Google Analytics uses these cookies to define user sessions, and provide core features in its Analytics reports. Google drops and updates these cookies only for the purposes of collecting data for these reports.

Using this website means you agree to the use of cookies in the manner described above. You can choose to restrict cookies set on through your browser settings at any time. For more information about how to do this, and about cookies in general, you can visit

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